FPA is...

“FPA is a place to build relationships with like-minded people focused on helping their clients and peers.”

Ryan Antkowiak, CFP®
Chapter: Minnesota

Alexandria Davis

“We have to advance the profession because there are so many people out there who need our help and what we provide. If we don’t move it forward, there are a lot of people that affects and hurts.”

“FPA is connection. The ability to connect helps us grow beyond our own knowledge and experience and serve the greater purpose of the profession.”

Tina Mistry, CFP®
Chapter: Central California

Joseph Stemmle, CFP®, CRPC®

“I have received so much value in the form of networking, community and education from my involvement at the various levels of FPA. I have met people who I value not only as great thinkers, but also as great friends.”

“FPA is cheaper than therapy.”

Mila Spaulding
Chapter: Central Virginia

Laura LaTourette, CFP®

“As a longtime member, I have experienced FPA to be a place where a diverse group of people committed to the financial planning profession come together to create and participate in meaningful, educational programs.”

FPA is a community of highly competent, empathetic professionals who put people first without needing to be told to do so.

Stephen Taylor, JD, CFP®
Chapter: Miami

Skip Schweiss

“I strongly believe that financial planning is as important to consumers as medical care, legal services, education and other helping professions.”

“FPA is an amazing support system filled with passionate financial planners who help each other every day. In my 20-plus years of experience in the financial planning profession, I have never encountered any other group that was so interested and willing to share their intellectual capital and to support new participants in our profession.”

Evelyn Zohlen, MBA, MS, CFP®
Chapter: Orange County
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is waiting for you.

